Tuesday, April 06, 2004

short bit tonight--there's a new Knitty!

Stupid bookmarks. Didn't update with the new Knitty issue and I had to find out about it from other weblogs. Sigh. Such a difficult life I lead. The new Knitty issue incuded the Knitter's Geek code--and since I'm both a knitter AND a geek, I couldn't resist. So, if you must know, my Knitting Geek code:

KCR Exp+ SPM+ Bam AddiT+ Den++ Syn Nov+ Wool++ Cot Stash(+) Scale(+) Fin(-)>+ Int Tex Felt Flat+ Circ++ DPN+ Swatch+ KIP+ Blog+ FO+ WIP++ GaugeW(B) AltX++Em+

And, of course, between the new patterns shown at Knitty and on Magknits, I'm dreaming happily of nothing but knitting.

On the Needles: Um . . . no news is good news? Putting rounds on Coronet, not much else.

Obligatory Cultural References
Reading: I'm up to Tuna Casserole in the Encyclopedia. Not far now. . . then it's nothing but Murdoch. Squid finished William Gibson's Pattern Recognition, and it's waiting there patiently for me. I also put Neal Stephenson's Quicksilver aside lo these many months ago (dang book's too heavy to travel with) in favor of lighter (weight-wise) books, and need to get going on it again. I love it, it's just too dang heavy.
Listening to: The voices in my head. Make them stop . . .


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