Monday, January 23, 2006

Well, looky thar. An update!

Belisle was lovely, as always, and the scene of much frantic stitching to complete my Floral Afghan square before we called "donesies" on the 2005 Lists (tm). And I did! Woo! Coming soon, the 2006 List (tm). Here's the scoop:

One more belt for the Outlaws: I forgot to mention this last time, but I took over and knit a belt out of some fancy railroad yarn (like Plymouth Eros) for my brother’s mother-in-law (I’ve taken to calling her my mother-out-law). She was so impressed and grateful that I’m going to make her a couple more. I got one finished this weekend, in a neat pewtery-pink-gold colorway.

Floral afghan: I finished the basket in a weekend of frantic work, and passed it back to Candy for its final finishing.

Requiring Finishing:
Baby Kimono: One side tie done. One more to go, and it’s seam time.

Silk Garden Cardigan: Still in pieces, but I pinned it for preliminary fit. I’m hopeful it will fit correctly—it looks to be a bit close-fitting, but I think it will be OK.

On the Needles:
Party-Time Apron: Dug it out while watching football this weekend, and put a dozen or so rows on it. I actually like the pattern, but this Berocco Cotton Twist will be the death of me. Splitty, splitty, splitty.

Charity Raglan Kid’s Sweater: One sleeve down, one to go. I’m hoping my yellow yarn holds out. . . .

Dragon-Scale Socks: One sock done—I had to get creative with the bindoff, since it was a little bit tight, but it looks great! Sock #2 has its toe in, and a couple rows of chart started.

The Ferret Sock: Put some more inches on it during a dark car ride.

Checkerboard Scarf: One skein down, one to go!

In the hoop:
Merry Cox Sailor's Huswif: Demoted, since I’m not going to work on it for a while.

C.A. Wells Needle Cottage: A little bit of progress-finished the trim, and am working on the detail.

Edward Scissorfish: A little more progress—I’m going to have to get creative with his lips, as I think I’m running out of room.

Obligatory Cultural References
Reading: Started The Kite Runner for Book Club and set aside The Shelters of Stone for a while. Shelters is so easy to read that I just don’t fall asleep on it at night as quickly as I should. Is that praise for, or condemnation of, “Literary Fiction”?

Listening to: Keyboards go clickety clack.


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