T-minus two days to Olympitude
Well, I have the needles I need, all my yarn is wound into balls, and I'm ready to get going on my Knitting Olympics project on Friday. Go me. Of course, in the meantime, I've been pottering along happily on the stuff I already have going. I really need to suck it up and do some finishing. Geez.
Requiring Finishing:
Baby Kimono: No change.
Silk Garden Cardigan: No change.
Charity Raglan Kid’s Sweater: All the main knitting is done! Woo! I have two little underarm seams, the collar to pick up, and approximately a zillion ends to weave in now.
On the Needles:
Party-Time Apron: On row 45 or so of 85 for the main apron body. Have I mentioned that I love the pattern, but hate the yarn? Yeah, I thought so.
Dragon-Scale Socks: No change.
The Ferret Sock: One skein down, next one started. Obie, one of the lucky ferret recipients, got a chance to check it out at the Super Bowl party I attended on Sunday. He approves.
Checkerboard Scarf: No change.
In the hoop:
C.A. Wells Needle Cottage: No change.
Edward Scissorfish: No change.
Obligatory Cultural References
Reading: Have been entirely unable to get into reading at bedtime—I’ve been doing GAMES Magazine puzzles instead.
Listening to: The Mountain Goats. Tallahassee and The Sunset Tree.