Monday, April 12, 2004

Insert Witty Title Here

Ugh. I'm pretty much completely exhausted tonight. A funeral, plus a late night at work, tends to take a lot out of a girl. However, in a dramatic renewal of perspective, I realized today that work isn't worth the angst I've been feeling about it lately. Important in that I'd like to do my best work, but not so important that I need to obsess over it with every fiber of my being like last week. It's so nice to get the perspective engine working again. Mine's due for a tune-up, as it tends to overheat, which leads to catastrophic failure.

Well, that's enough of oblique professional reference theatre for this evening.

On the Needles: The sock grows. And there's nothing like a nice long car ride for putting rows on a sweater. Must . . . resist . . . lure of new projects! (I don't need a Kureyon sweater. I don't, I don't, I don't.) I'll have cross stitch to do like mad soon--A Merry Cox Sailor's Huswif class is coming up with tons of prework to start in May. Up until January, I was a devoted cross-stitcher and embroiderer. Knitting has diluted my focus! Must . . . return . . . to counted thread . . . .

Obligatory Cultural References
Reading: The Sea, The Sea, Iris Murdoch, plus this week's Entertainment Weekly.
Listening to: The Magnetic Fields. Everyone really does need to own a copy of "69 Love Songs".


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