Sunday, October 10, 2004

Progress, I tell you! Progress!

Frequently recurring four-hour car-rides are a lovely thing indeed. Non-knitting details about the weekend's festivities are over in the other place (or will be as soon as I type it), but I must say that I was able to get a good bit of knitting done in the car on the way home from Madison this weekend. I lost the light too quickly on the way to WI, or I'd be unstoppable! Devan is an excellent in-the-car project. Small size, brainless knitting.

I also had the good(?) fortune to go visit Lakeside Fibers while in Madison, which is a lovely store with wonderful light, a nicely broad selection, and a website that looks alarmingly like a Puzzle Pirates shop. I left with some magenta Lamb's Pride worsted for the body of the Lite Brite sweater I have in mind (Kureyon 95 for the sleeves), two skeins of LOUD Kureyon for the bunny and bear in Debbie Bliss's Noro Collection book, and two skeins of Koigu PPPM (a pinkish one and a blueish one) for the cutest little free bootie pattern in the world. I think that's it. I left without doing too much damage. I was a little worried for a while, though.

What have I accomplished since last time, you ask? Why, here's your answer:

Finished: Booga Bag has been felted and assembled (and is super-cute and handy, I might add), and the Flora scarf has had its ends knotted off and secured.

On the Needles:
Skully: I've picked up the first sleeve, knit the plain black 1" section, and have four rows of skully intarsia complete! Yes, it's not much yet, but I have figured out how to work out purl-side intarsia. (Knit-side came to me easily when I was knitting the stripey sleeping caps) So, a few more evenings of work, and I'll have me a sleeve. The main hindrance to progress from here on out will be Rusty. With 16 pounds of cat on your lap, your spare balls of yarn aren't always so easy to find.

Party-Time Apron: No change.

Colinette Throw: No change.

Devan: Right-side complete, left side within an inch of starting the shoulder shaping. The left side just flew along this weekend. Wheee!

Sock: No change.

Okay, so not much news on anything but Skully and Devan, but dude! Such progress!

In the Hoop:
Drawn Thread Birth Band sampler: No change, but I'm ready to tackle it again.

Merry Cox Sailor's Huswif: No change, but a weekend at home should enable me to wrap up what I left unfinished in class, then it's back to eleventy-million Queen stitches.

Obligatory Cultural References
Reading: Still Vanity Fair. I love it. I'm enjoying it thoroughly, but I wonder if I should set it aside for my next Book Club volume.
Listening to: They Might Be Giants


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