Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Shock of shocks. . . .

. . . There's been serious progress on Skully. But, because I am contrary, you'll have to skip down to the knitting progress section for the specific information.

Life has been unusually hectic of late--my team at work is down two members--our leader and my closest co-worker both have taken new positions in the past few weeks, so there's PLENTY of work to go around, I'm afraid. I thought I was doing okay, until last night. After I got back from the cat shelter and ate a bit of dinner, I fell stone cold asleep on the couch at about 9:30. When I did wake up to go to bed, I was so out of it, I forgot to turn off not just the TV the whole way, but also my computer. Maybe I've been more stressed than I give myself credit for.

In knitting news, however, we had the opportunity to spend a weekend on Round Lake, and much knitting was accomplished by me. It was just a bit too cold to swim, so I didn't feel too bad about spending a lot of time knitting and purling. I did get to see the wonderful touristy boulevard that is Nisswa, MN, however. It doesn't get much more "Up North lodgey" than Nisswa. Had a lovely time visiting with my in-laws and Squid's aunt and uncle and their three daughters.

A busy weekend ahead--a Middle-Eastern Potluck on Saturday, along with possibly helping a friend bedeck the shelves in her store, and Book Club on Sunday (discussing The Namesake, which I enjoyed, but didn't really feel that it stuck with me past the last page)--and a trip to the Textile Center to retrieve the sampler that's been on display there this past month. And tomorrow night? The Magnetic Fields in concert at the Pantages. I'm excited--should be wonderful.

And now, without further blather, the hot knitting action:

Finished: Nothing's 100% complete. But there was PROGRESS, I tell you! Progress!
On the Needles:
Skully: Nearly done with the front! I've made the armhole decreases and should start the neck/shoulder shaping tomorrow or Friday, if I'm lucky.
Fiona: The bag part is finished, and she has her I-cord through the eyelets. I just need to do the pocket, the I-cord trim, and find a button, and she's finished for reals.
Colinette Throw: No progress (see what happens when I put her away?
Party Time Apron: Finished the eyelash section, and started the seed stitch hem, and about 3-4 rows into it, I got my seed stitch pattern so hopelessly muddled (never knit tired or drunk) that I had to rip out some rows. She's cooling her heels while I make some Skully progress.
New: Baby Stripey Hat: Crankyjake and Smilie's baby (due August 1 or so) needs a little piratey sleeping cap, so I found some baby-weight red and white and am making one. I figure combining the striping/decrease logic of the adult sleepy hat pattern with the dimensions of the umbilical hat should give me the desired result. I started striping in the car on the way back from the lake. Looking good . . . .

Obligatory Cultural References
Reading: Quicksilver, though I really need to get reading and stop doing crossword puzzles at night.
Listening to: The Magnetic Fields, in preparation for tomorrow night's festivities!


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